Public notice in newspaper by the advocate of purchaser of property

Since purchaser spends his hard earned money to purchase the property. For the safety of the smooth dealing, he can publish the notice in leading newspaper with the guidance of the advocate. Below are few samples of notices for reference only.

Public Notice

The Public in general is hereby informed that Mrs. xxxxxxxx W/o xxxxxxxx Resident at xxx, The legend Sector-50, Gurgaon Haryana- 122001, is to negotiating to sell my client Flat No. xxxx, Sarita Vihar SFS Flats DDA, New Delhi-110076, vide letter allotment No. xxxx (30) 86/SFS/SV/II dated xx June xxxx and converted to freehold from leasehold vide conveyance deed dated xx April 2000.

Any person having any rights, titles, claim or interes in the said property, by way of sale, inheritance, possession, succession, mortgage, lien, lease, gift otherwise howsoever in respect of the same, Shall intimate the objection in writing to the undersigned with supporting documents thereof within 15 days from the date of publication of this notice or else any such claims by anyone shall not be considered and shall be deemed to have been waived and/or abandoned. And, my client shall proceed to conclude the negotiations and no claims shall be entertained thereafter.

Advocate & Legal Consultant
Enrolment No.X/XXXX/2019
Office: XX, x Block Market, Sarita Vihar, N. Delhi-110076

Public Notice

Be it known to all that my client had entered into an agreement for the purchase of entire second floor and also entire terrace rights over and above the second floor alongwith proportionate undivided, indivisible and impartible ownership rights in the plot of land measuring 300 sq. yds., bearing No. xxxx, situated at Greater Kailash Part-I, New Delhi, from its owner xxxxxxxxxxxxx S/o xxxxxxxxxxxx, vide written agreement and also entered into a memorandum of understanding with xxxxxxxxxx S/o xxxxxxxxxx , for the re-construction of The First Floor, vide written agreement.
Advance money under the said agreements has already been paid to the owners by my client. The said agreements are valid, binding and subsisting. The owners are not coming forward to fulfill their part of the contract.
General Public is hereby warned not to deal or transact in any manner whatsoever with the owners with regard to the said portions, failing which the same shall not be binding upon my client and shall be subject to prior rights of my client under the said agreement. My client is also in the process of filing criminal and civil actions against the said owners, as may be warranted under the Law.
Place: New Delhi
Date: xx.xx.xxxx
XXX, GK-II, New Delhi

Public Notice

ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR OF PROPERTY BEARING NO. XXX EXTN. /XX, SITUATED AT SAFDARJANG ENCLAVE, NEW DELHI. “Be it known to all that my client has agreed to purchase entire second floor and one car parking space in the stilt area and also space for one utility with common w.c. in the stilt area, alongwith 22.5% undivided, indivisible and importable ownership rights in the plot of land measuring 162 sq. yds., bearing no. xxxx Extn./10, situated at Safdarjang Enclave, New Delhi, from its owner M/s xxxxxxxxxxxx , having its registered office at xxxxxxxxx (Second Floor), Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi.
That previous original agreement to sell dated xx.xx.1988, duly executed by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx S/o xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, in favour of xxxxxxxxxxxx W/o xxxxxxxx, is misplaced/lost and not traceable. Any other person(s) having any claim against, into or upon the said property or any part thereof by virtue of sale, inheritance, agreement, contract, mortgage, lien, charge, on the basis of the aforesaid misplaced / lost document, or otherwise howsoever and of whatsoever nature is hereby required to notify the same in writing along with supporting documentary evidence to the undersigned within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of publication of this notice, failing which my client shall conclude the sale and any claim and/or objection if any shall be considered as waived and abandoned and shall not be binding upon my client..

xxx, Pamposh Enclave,
New Delhi-48.
Tel: xxxx xxxx

Public Notice

नोटिस दिया जाता है कि हमारे ग्राहक संपत्ति संख्या की तीसरी मंजिल और छत खरीदने का इरादा रखते हैं। गगगग, पम्पोश एन्क्लेव, नई दिल्ली-110048 (‘‘उक्त संपत्ति‘‘) अपने मालिक गगगगगग, पत्नी गगगगगगग, निवासी गगग, जयंतीलाल पार्क, अम्ब्ली बोपाल रोड, अंब्ली, बोपाल, अहमदाबाद, बोपाल, गुजरात-380058।
कोई भी संस्था/व्यक्ति जिसके पास उक्त संपत्ति के संबंध में कोई अधिकार, शीर्षक, दावा, लाभ, मांग या ब्याज आदि का दावा या दावा है या उस पर कोई आपत्ति है तो उसे नीचे दिए गए पते पर दस-दिनो की अवधि के भीतर लिखित रूप में अधोहस्ताक्षरी को सूचित करना चाहिए। (दस दिन) इस नोटिस के प्रकाशन की तारीख से, जिसके विफल होने पर यह माना जाएगा कि उक्त संपत्ति में या उस पर या उसके संबंध में किसी भी प्रकृति का कोई प्रतिकूल अधिकार, शीर्षक, हित, शेयर, दावा जो भी या मांग मौजूद नहीं है।
गगगग, भूतल, डिफेंस कॉलोनी, नई दिल्ली-110024
मो. गगगगगगए इमेलः गगगगगगगग

Public Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT our Clients intend to purchase third floor and terrace of property No. xxx, Pamposh Enclave, New Delhi 110048(“Said Property”) from its owner Mrs. xxx, W/o xxxxx, R/o xxx, Jayantilal Park, Ambli Bopal Road, Ambli, Bopal, Ahmedabad, Bopal, Gujarat-380058.
Any entity/person having or claiming any right, title, claim, benefit, demand or interest etc. with respect to the said Property or having any objection to the same should inform undersigned at the address mentioned herein below in writing within a period of 10 (ten days) from the date of publication of this Notice, failing which it shall be presumed that no adverse right, title, interest, share, claim or demand of any nature whatsoever exists in or upon or in respect of the said Property.
xxx, Ground Floor, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024
Mob: xxxxx xxxxx, Email: xxxxxxxxxx

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