Extraordinary General Meeting Notice

Published in Financial Express Delhi on : 18-Nov-2021

Registered Office: 4th Floor, A-Wing, Matulya Centre, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Lower Parel (West), Mumbai – 400 013. Tel: 022 6662 0600. Fax: 022 6661 5030.
Website: www.enil.co.in E-mail: enil.investors@timesgroup.com

Members of Entertainment Network (India) Limited (‘the Company’/’ENIL’) are requested to note that the Extraordinary General Meeting (‘EGM’) of the Company will be held through Video Conference (‘VC’) / Other Audio Visual Means (‘OAVM’) on Friday, December 10, 2021 at 3.00 p.m. IST, in compliance with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (‘the Act’) and rules made thereunder and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘Listing Regulations’), and General Circular No. 14/2020 dated April 8, 2020, General Circular No. 17/2020 dated April 13, 2020, General Circular No. 20/2020 dated May 5, 2020, General Circular No. 22/2020 dated June 15, 2020, General Circular No. 33/2020 dated September 28, 2020, General Circular No. 39/2020 dated December 31, 2020, General Circular No. 2/2021 dated January 13, 2021, General Circular No. 10/2021 dated June 23, 2021 (‘MCA Circulars’) issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA’) and Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/ 79 dated May 12, 2020 and Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD2/CIR/P/2021/11 dated January 15, 2021 issued by Securities and Exchange Board of India (‘SEBI’) and other applicable circulars (‘applicable circulars”) to transact the businesses set out in the Notice of the EGM. Members will be able to attend the EGM at https://emeetings.kfintech.com with Members login credentials, as per the procedure stated in the Notice of the EGM. Participation of Members through VC/OAVM will be reckoned for the purpose of quorum for the EGM as per section 103 of the Act.

In compliance with the applicable circulars, electronic copies of the Notice of the EGM, other documents required to be attached thereto, etc. have been emailed on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 to all the Members of the Company whose email addresses are registered with the Company/ Depository Participant(s). The aforesaid documents will be also be available at the Company’s website: www.enil.co.in at https://www.enil.co.in/postal-ballot.php and websites of the Stock Exchanges, that is, BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited at www.bseindia.com and www.nseindia.com respectively, and at the website of KFin Technologies Private Limited (‘R&TA’/’KFinTech’) at https://evoting.kfintech.com at the Downloads section.

The documents referred to in the Notice of the EGM are available electronically for inspection without any fee by the Members from the date of circulation of this Notice up to the date of EGM basis the request being senton enil.investors@timesgroup.com.

Manner of casting vote through e-voting:

The Members, whose names appear in the Register of Members / list of Beneficial Owners as on
Friday, December 3, 2021 (cut-off date) are entitled to vote on the Resolutions set forth in the Notice convening the EGM.

Detailed procedure for remote e-voting and voting at EGM has been mentioned in the Notice of the EGM. Details will also be made available at the website of the Company at: https://www.enil.co.in/postal-ballot.php

Login credential and password details will be emailed to the Members at their registered email ID.

In case of any query pertaining to e-voting, please visit Help and FAQ’s section of https://evoting.kfintech.com (R&TA’s website) or download User Manual for Shareholders available at the Downloads section of https://evoting.kfintech.com or e-mail to evoting@kfintech.com.

Manner of registering/updating email addresses:
Shareholders holding shares in dematerialized mode can register/ update email, mobile details etc. with their depository participants.

Shareholders holding shares in physical mode can contact the Company’s Registrar and Transfer Agents, KFin Technologies Private Limited by sending an email request at einward.ris@kfintech.com with the copy of the signed request letter mentioning the name, folio number and address of the Member, self-attested copy of the PAN card, and self-attested copy of any document (e.g. Driving License, Election Identity Card, Passport) in support of the address of the Member and copy of the share certificate.

The process for registration of email address with KFin Technologies Private Limited (on temporary basis only up to EGM) for receiving the Notice of EGM and login ID and password for e-voting has been stated in the Notice of the EGM. Members are requested to visit the link: https://ris.kfintech.com/clientservices/mobilereg/mobileemailreg.aspx and select the name of the Company viz. Entertainment Network (India) Limited and follow the steps for registration of email address on temporary basis only up to the EGM.

As per Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 as amended, the Company is pleased to provide its Members the facility to cast their vote by electronic means on all business to be transacted at the EGM. The details pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the said rules are given hereunder:
(a) The Business as stated in the Notice of the EGM dated October 26, 2021 may be transacted through voting by electronic means;
(b) The date and time of commencement of remote e-voting: Monday, December 6, 2021 (9:00 a.m. IST);
(c) The date and time of end of remote e-voting: Thursday, December 9, 2021 (5:00p.m.IST);
(d) Cut-off date as on which the right of voting of the Members shall be reckoned: Friday, December 3, 2021;
(e) The manner in which persons who have acquired shares and become Members of the Company after the dispatch of notice may obtain the login ID and password:
(i) If the mobile number of the member is registered against Folio No./ DP ID Client ID, the member may send SMS: MYEPWD E-Voting Event Number + Folio No. or DP ID Client ID to 9212993399:
• Example for NSDL: MYEPWD In12345612345678
Example for CDSL: MYEPWD 1402345612345678
• Example for Members holding shares in physical mode:
MYEPWD XXXX1234567890
(ii) Ife-mail address or mobile number of the member is registered against Folio No./DP ID  Client ID, then on the home page of https://evoting.kfintech.com, the member may click “Forgot
Password” and enter Folio No. or DP ID Client ID and PAN to generate a password.
(iii) Member may call on the R&TA’s phone no: 040-67162222 or toll-free numbers 1800-309-4001 (from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.).
(iv) write to R&TA on the email ID: evoting@kfintech.com or to Ms. C. Shobha Anand, Deputy General Manager at KFin Technologies Private Limited, [Unit: Entertainment Network (India) Limited], Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad-500032, requesting for the User ID and Password.
(v) If the member is already registered with R&TA’s e-voting platform, then he can use his existing password for logging in.
(f) The Members are requested to note that:
(i) Remote e-voting shall not be allowed beyond the said date and time. At the end of remote e-voting period, the facility of remote e-voting shall forthwith be blocked/ disabled;
(ii) The facility for voting shall also be made available at the EGM and the Members attending the EGM who have not already cast their vote by remote e-voting shall be able to exercise their right at the EGM.
(iii) A member may participate in the general meeting even after exercising his right to vote through remote e-voting but shall not be allowed to vote again in the meeting; and
(iv) A person whose name is recorded in the register of members or in the register of beneficial owners maintained by the depositories as on the cut-off date only shall be entitled to avail the
facility of remote e-voting as well as voting in the general meeting, as the case may be;
(9) Website address: Notice of the EGM is displayed at the Company’s website at: www.enil.co.in at| https://www.enil.co.in/postal-ballot.php and also at website of KFin Technologies Private Limited at https://evoting.kfintech.com.
(h) Person responsible to address the grievances connected with facility for voting by electronic means: Ms. C. Shobha Anand, Deputy General Manager at KFin Technologies Private Limited, [Unit:Entertainment Network (India) Limited], Selenium Tower B, Plot 31-32, Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Hyderabad- 500032. Email ID: evoting@kfintech.com, Contact No. 040-67162222; Toll Free no.: 1800-309-4001. In case of any query pertaining to e-voting, the Members are requested to refer to the detailed procedure on e-voting furnished separately to vote through electronic mode. In case of any query pertaining to e-voting, please visit Help and FAQ’s section of https://evoting.kfintech.com (R&TA’s website) or download User Manual for Shareholders available at the Downloads section of https://evoting.kfintech.com or e-mail to evoting@kfintech.com or contact Ms. C. Shobha Anand on 1800-309-4001 (toll free number). For casting votes, Members are requested to read the instructions. Please refer to the note nos. 9 to 35 of the EGM notice regarding e-voting and participation at the EGM.

By Order of the Board of Directors
For Entertainment Network (India) Limited
Mehul Shah
EVP-Compliance & Company Secretary
Place : Mumbai
Date : November 16, 2021

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